Brendan McLoughlin

FAQ. bits of the puzzle

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does psychotherapy or counselling take?

When we meet for an initial assessment session, we will have the opportunity to consider whether brief work or longer term therapy is appropriate . Short term work usually identifies problems and agrees a priority to focus on. Long term or open-ended work provides the support, continuity and space to make more deep seated changes and to overcome more deeply rooted problems.

Short term work could be six or twelve sessions or some other agreed number of meetings. The ending would therefore be clear at the outset.
In open-ended work, an ending is usually talked about some time in advance and allows sufficient time and opportuntiy to work it through. It would normally be agreed between the therapist and client and would take account of the client's readiness to make an ending.

What will happen at the first appointment?

The first assessment session is an opportunity for you to talk about what you hope to achieve for yourself by coming in to therapy and what the issues are as you see them. It will also be a chance for me to ask you questions about yourself in order to see if what I can offer is approriate for your needs. Where I feel I am not the right person to work with you I will endeavour to suggest a more appropriate referral. If it seems right for us to work together there will be an opportunity for you to ask me any questions you may have about therapy or about me. If we decide to proceed, times and frequency of sessions and a basic contract will be agreed.

How often do I need to come to therapy?

For brief work we would meet once a week. For open ended therapy we would agree the frequency between us, but it would normally be at least once a week and some people find more frequent sessions to be necessary.

How much will it cost?

I usually charge £80 for a 50 minute session for individuals, and £150 an hour for couples. Supervision fees for one to one supervision are in line with individual rates. The fee for group supervision is by negotiation. Once we have agreed to work together, fees are chargeable whether or not you attend the session. Fees are payable monthly in arrears.

How to make an appointment.

For any enquiries or to make an appointment phone me on 07951 213418 or email me at:

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