Brendan McLoughlin

Qualifications. a way through

Brendan McLoughlin MA Trained at the Westminster Pastoral Foundation, qualifying in 1983, a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Member of The Foundation for Psychotherapy and Counselling and UKCP Registered Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist from 1983 until 2016, I now practise independently in association with colleagues in the Analytic Network.

Member of the Forum For Contemplative Studies
Member and Chair of the Analytic Network, Bath
Member of the Bath Psychotherapy Service bathpsychotherapyservice
Analytic Network Certificate in Supervision
Consultant Supervisor, Open Space Therapy, an innovative therapy project in Bath working with new mothers and school age children.
Former Honorary Psychotherapist, Atkinson Morley's Hospital, part of St George's Hospital, London and at Hill View Lodge, Royal United Hospital, Bath.

I work with the whole person, younger or older, male or female, straight or gay, respectful of ethnicity and transcultural issues and sensitive to beliefs and values. I try to look for the meaning in symptoms and behaviours, dreams and fantasies. I endeavour to work within the client's capacities and avoid imposing any narrowly theoretical answer on their experience.

I have regard to the intersubjective nature of therapeutic relationship and try to work inclusively. I draw on elements of the practice of Buddhist Mindfulness to support my ongoing audit of practice.

I am able to offer psychotherapy and counselling in English, French and Spanish.

For those wanting an idea of the experience of therapy I have two publications you may want to take a look at. My chapter, The Client Becomes A Counsellor,
in Experiences Of Counselling In Action, Sage 1990, gives an indepth account of what therapy can be like. My book, Developing Psychodynamic Counselling, Sage 1995, has been widely used in the training of counsellors and looks in detail at the therapeutic relationship and its challenges and dilemmas. Sage It is available in English, Greek, Korean and Chinese.

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